A. All office-bearers
No one shall take any office upon himself without having been
lawfully called thereto.
The calling to office shall take place by the consistory with the
deacons, with the cooperation of the congregation, after prayer,
and in accordance with the local regulations adopted for that
Prior to the ordinaton or installation the names of the appointed
brothers shall be publicly announced to the congregation for the
approval on at least two consecutive Sundays. If no lawful
objection is brought forward the ordination or installation shall
take place with the use of the adopted Form.
B. Elders and deacons
The consistory with the deacons shall give the congregation the
opportunity to draw the attention of the consistory to brothers
deemed suitable for the respective offices.
The consistory with the deacons shall present to the congregation
at the most twice as many candidates as there are vacancies to be
filled. From this number the congregation shall choose as many
office-bearers as are needed.
Those elected shall be appointed by the consistory with the
If necessary the consistory and the deacons may present to the
congregation the same number of candidates as there are
C. Ministers
Before a vacant church extends a call the advice of the
counsellor shall be sought.
The approval of classis shall be required for a repeated call to
the same minister for the same vacancy.