Offices and supervision of doctrine

Task of deacons

The deacons shall perform the ministry of mercy. They shall acquaint themselves with difficulties; visit, help and encourage where there is need, and urge church members to render assistance where necessary. They shall collect and manage the gifts of the congregation, and, after mutual consultation, distribute them where there is need. The deacons shall give account of their policies and management to the consistory.

Kerkorde FRCA (2003)



Taak van de diaken

Kerkorde CanRC (1985) 23
Kerkorde GKN (1905) Art. 25
Kerkorde GKv (1978) Art. 22
Kerkorde RCNZ (1977) Art. 24
Kerkorde VGKSA (2005) 22

Rongen, G. van (2005) Art. 21