Worship, Sacraments, and Ceremonies

Admission to the Lord’s Supper

The consistory shall admit to the Lord’s supper only those who have made public profession of the Reformed faith and lead a godly life.

Members of sister-churches shall be admitted on the ground of a good attestation concerning their doctrine and conduct.

Kerkorde CanRC (1985)



Toelating tot het avondmaal
Openbare geloofsbelijdenis
Attestatie bij verhuizing

Kerkorde FRCA (2003) 54
Kerkorde FRCA (2003) 57
Kerkorde GKN (1905) Art. 61
Kerkorde GKv (1978) Art. 60
Kerkorde RCNZ (1977) Art. 59
Kerkorde VGKSA (2005) 60

Oene, W.W.J. van (1990) Art. 61