A minister who for weighty reasons desires a temporary release from service to the congregation must have his application for release approved by his session, which continues to have supervision over him.
Art. “16B” (Acts of Synod 2005, Art.99 section 5).
a. A minister who is not eligible for retirement or worthy of
discipline may for weighty reasons be released from service in a
congregation through action initiated by himself or by his
session. Such release shall be given only with the approval of
presbytery, with concurring advice of the synodical examiners,
and in accordance with synodical regulations.
b. The session shall provide for the support of a released
minister in such a way and for such a time as shall receive the
approval of presbytery.
c. A minister of the Word who has been released from service in a
congregation shall be eligible for call for a period of two
years, after which time the presbytery, with the concurring
advice of the synodical examiners, shall declare him to be
released from ministerial office.