The consistory with the deacons shall not dismiss a minister from his bond with the congregation without the approval and the concurring advice of the deputies of synod.
The admission to the ministry of the Word takes place with the
assistance and supervision of the classis and the deputies of the
synod as representatives of the bond of churches.
A dismissal has to take place in the same way.
This applies to the following cases:
1. when a minister is going to retire according to Article
2. when a minister for reasons of health can no longer remain at
the place where he is serving but would quite well be able to
serve a congregation in an entirely different environment.
3. when a minister lacks the talents to serve a congregation
beyond a limited numbers of years.
4. when there are difficulties between the minister and his
congregation that prevent him from serving there fruitfully, and
it is desirable that he be disassociated from this
It may be clear that in the cases 2-4 no sin punishable with
suspension or deposition is involved.
And further that in these cases an agreement be made concerning
financial support for the period of time during which the
minister is not yet installed in another congregation, or has not
not yet embarked upon another profession. For at his dismissal
according to this article he is declared eligible to be called by
another congregation during a certain period of time.