

About the Contributors


Joseph L. Allen
As assistant professor of social ethics at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Joseph L. Allen teaches primarily in the field of theology and politics. He is a North Carolinian by birth, was graduated from Duke University, and then received his B.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Yale University. He is an ordained minister and member of the North Carolina Annual Conference in The Methodist Church.

William B. Cate
William B. Cate is executive secretary of the Greater Portland Council of Churches, Portland, Oregon, having previously held a similar position with the Interchurch Council of New Bedford, Massachusetts. A minister of The Methodist Church, he took his S.T.B. and Ph.D. degrees from Boston University; his dissertation dealt with “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Ecumenical Communication.” He has also spent a year of study at the Ecumenical Institute, near Geneva, and the University of Basle. Currently he is chairman of the Studies Committee for the American Association of Council Secretaries.


Hans Dombois
Hans Dombois received his LL.D. from the University of Göttingen and was for many years active in the judiciary. Since 1950 he is a member of the Institute of Protestant Studies, now located in Heidelberg, where he is responsible for research in the relations between theology, legal theory, and legislation. His special interest is ecclesiastical law, and the most recent of his publications is a massive historical and theoretical study in that field, Das Recht der Gnade. For the past decade he served as chairman of the Political Working Group of the Protestant Kirchentag.

Nils Ehrenstrom
Nils Ehrenstrom is professor of ecumenics at Boston University School of Theology. He has spent some twenty-five years in Geneva, first with the Research Department of the Universal Christian Council for Life and Work and subsequently as director of the Study Department of the World Council of Churches. Ordained in the Lutheran Church of Sweden, he received his theological degrees from the Universities of Uppsala and Lund. Contributor and co-editor of numerous ecumenical publications, he is the author of Christian Faith and the Modern State: An Ecumenical Approach and has been an associate editor of The Ecumenical Review since its inception. He is secretary of the Faith and Order Study Commission on Institutionalism.

James M. Gustafson
As associate professor of social ethics at Yale Divinity School, James M. Gustafson is responsible for teaching in theological ethics and sociology of religion. A minister of the United Church of Christ, U.S.A., he received his education at Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and Yale University. He was assistant director of the Study of Theological Education in the United States and Canada, 1954-1955. Contributor to books and journals, he is the author of Treasure in Earthen Vessels: The Church as a Human Community.


Berndt Gustafsson
Berndt Gustafsson is assistant professor of church history at the University of Lund and since 1962 also head of the Institute of Sociology of Religion in Stockholm. A minister of the Church of Sweden, he has doctorates both in theology and sociology from the University of Lund. He is the author of numerous articles and books in the fields of modern church history and sociology of religion.

Richard P.C. Hanson
Since 1962 Lightfoot professor of divinity in the University of Durham, England, Richard P.C. Hanson taught previously at the Queen's College, Birmingham, and for ten years in the Department of Theology at the University of Nottingham. He has also been visiting lecturer at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois. Anglo-Irish by descent, he was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, in classics and theology. His publications include two books on Origen and a recent one on Tradition in the Early Church. For a period he served as secretary of the Faith and Order Department of the British Council of Churches.

Ken Ishiwara
Ken Ishiwara, a member of the Commission on Faith and Order of the United Church of Christ in Japan, studied Greek philosophy and Christian thought at Tokyo Imperial University and in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1924 he was appointed professor of early and medieval philosophy at Tohoku Imperial University, Sendai. During the war he was president of Tokyo Woman’s Christian College, later professor of church history at Aoyama-Gakuin University, and currently is guest professor of history of Christianity at several universities in Tokyo. He is the author of several books, including Schleiermacher on Religion, History of Christian Thought, and Studies on Medieval Christianity.


John H.S. Kent
John H.S. Kent is tutor in church history at Hartley Victoria College, Manchester, England, and a lecturer in the history of doctrine at Manchester University. He was educated at Emmanuel College and Wesley House, Cambridge, taking his Ph.D. degree in 1950, and is an ordained Methodist minister. His special interest is in modern church history, especially the religious history of the nineteenth century. He has published studies of Jabez Bunting and of Elizabeth Fry, and is now working on a study of American revivalists in England in the nineteenth century.

W. Edward Mann
Born in Toronto, Edward Mann took his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Toronto in 1953. He has taught sociology at various institutions in Canada and is now assistant professor of sociology at the University of Western Ontario. After studies at Trinity College, Toronto, he has served pastorates and was for five years executive secretary of the Diocesan Council for Social Service of the Anglican Church in Toronto. Among his publications are Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta.

Wolf-Dieter Marsch
Wolf-Dieter Marsch is professor of systematic theology at the Kirchliche Hochschule, Wuppertal; previously he served for a number of years as program director of the Evangelical Academy in Berlin and as student adviser in Göttingen. He wrote his Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Göttingen on the religious background of American democracy as illustrated in the life of Abraham Lincoln (published under the title Christlicher Glaube und demokratisches Ethos). He has published articles on Christian social ethics in its encounter with Marxist philosophy.


Walter G. Muelder
Walter G. Muelder is dean and professsor of social ethics in Boston University School of Theology. A minister of The Methodist Church, he holds S.T.B. and Ph.D. degrees from Boston University and has taught in Berea College, the University of Southern California, and the Ecumenical Institute near Geneva. He is chairman of the Board of the Ecumenical Institute, a member of the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches, and chairman of its Study Commission on Institutionalism. His most recent books are Foundations of the Responsible Society and Methodism and Society in the Twentieth Century.

Franklin E. Rector
Franklin E. Rector is professor of church and social structure and director of the Seminary Church Planning and Research Center at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis. An ordained clergyman of the Disciples of Christ, he was graduated from Phillips University, and, following service as a chaplain during World War II, he earned his M.S. degree from Oklahoma State University and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin. He has received the Faculty Research Fellowship grant from the American Association of Theological Schools, iiul he is a contributor to several magazines and religious journals, author and co-author of several religious and secular research studies, and a lecturer and consultant in church planning and development.

Frederick A. Shippey
A native of New York, Frederick A. Shippey is professor of the sociology of religion in the Theological and Graduate Schools of Drew University. Educated at Syracuse University and Yale Divinity School, he holds a Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University. Recently he spent a sabbatical year at the Université de Paris. An ordained clergyman, he earlier served as director of the Department of Research and Surveys of The Methodist Church’s Division of National Missions. Author of Church Work in the City, he has written numerous articles and lectured widely. He is editor of the Review of Religious Research.


Eugene L. Ten Brink
As a missionary of the Reformed Church in America, Eugene L. Ten Brink has been a presbyter of the Church of South India since its inauguration in 1947, and he now ministers to the faculty and students of the Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, as presbyter of St. John’s Church. He has served the C.S.I. as principal of the Agriculture Institute, Katpadi, and has been on the national staff of the Student Christian Movement of India. After graduation from Hope College and New Brunswick Theological Seminary, he earned his M.S. degree from Cornell University in psychology and sociology and his Ph.D. from Hartford Seminary Foundation in church history.

Gibson Winter
As associate professor of ethics and society at The Divinity School of the University of Chicago, Gibson Winter teaches and carries on research in the sociology of the churches and problems in the relationship of theology to the human sciences. He served in the parish ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. after completing his B.D. at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. After serving in the United States Navy as a chaplain in World War II, he took a doctorate in the field of Social Relations at Harvard University, initially using this further study in the work with Francis Ayres of establishing a lay training center, Parishfield. He is the author of Love and Conflict: New Patterns in Family Life and The Suburban Captivity of the Churches.