Declaration regarding ministers who resign from the CRC
a. Synod directed the churches and classes dealing with ministers
who depart from the Christian Reformed Church in North America
(CRCNA) in order to seek ordination in the ministry of the Word
in another church to take note of the statement made by Synod
1978 that “Synod has instructed all our churches and classes that
in all cases of resignation a proper resolution of dismissal must
be adopted with the concurring advice of synodical deputies” and
to realize that this statement allows for a broad degree of
flexibility in responding to such situations (cf. Acts of
Synod 1978, p. 73).
b. Synod directed the churches and classes to take into account
the manner and spirit in which a minister has acted during the
time leading up to and including departure from office when
determining what action to take. (Some situations may require a
deposition; others may require only a simple release from
c. Synod encouraged the churches and classes
1) To recognize carefully the conditions and circumstances of a
particular case that may come to their attention (e.g., whether
it be a formal or a de facto resignation) and, having done
2) To make a declaration re ecting the resigned minister’s status
that is appropriate to the way and spirit in which the minister
acted during the time leading up to and including the minister’s
resignation from office. Such a declaration could reflect one of
the following:
a) The resigned minister is honorably released.
b) The resigned minister is released.
c) The resigned minister is dismissed.
d) The resigned minister is in the status of one deposed.
Note: In distinction from a minister who retires, any
resigned minister no longer retains the honor and title of
minister of the Word in, nor has an official connection with, the
Christian Reformed Church in North America (cf. Church Order
Article 18-b).
d. Synod encouraged churches and classes to prayerfully consider
the following principles in their deliberations:
1) Schismatic activities are to be considered a serious violation
of the sacred trust associated with ordination and a dishonoring
of God which results in pain and brokenness in the body of
2) All declarations by churches and classes should clearly
evidence hope for the possibility of restoration and mutual
(Acts of Synod 1993, pp. 581-82)